Dear Jaiden,

If you are reading this, then that means you have opened my card. I told you it was for emergencies when you are really feeling down, but if I know you at all I'm guessing that you opened it early. This is your chance to put the card away, and save the following message for when you really need it. Scroll down if you need it now.

So you scrolled to here. Either your curiosity got the best of you, or its an emergency.


I was trying to think of a gift I could give you that would be as thoughtful as the card with kisses you made for me. I loved that present, and I have been thinking ever since about how I could possibly match that. Since I am currently out of lipstick to kiss a card, I decided to go full nerd and make this EXTREMELY basic website for you. Its only in one language, and it has no color, decoration, or anything else that real websites have. Nevertheless, I hope you think its a little bit cool and it cheers you up.


      I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now Jaiden. Maybe your roomate is terrible, or your classes are hard, or maybe you just are feeling lonely. Whatever it is that is causing you stress in your life right now, remember that it is only temporary. Us being apart? Temporary. Trust me girl, you're not getting away from me that easily. I think about and miss you every day. I'm writing this before you go to college, but I'm sure that the long distance is terrible. Our schedules are different, we both have things outside of school to do, and the fact I can't just hug you kills me!

Anyway, I'm getting off track here. Jaiden Betts, you are absolutely the best woman I have had the pleasure of meeting. I think you are stunning, and your beauty blows me away every time I see you. I already hear you telling me to shut up, but I'm not going to. You're beautiful, you're smart, and you're persistent. Whether you are attempting to convince me to tell you something or so something with you, you always end up winning. I just cannot say no to that pretty face.

Jaiden. Times are hard right now. I want you to keep in mind a few things to help ease some of your anxiety.
  1. I will never stop loving you. College is only going to last so long, and before you know it we'll be right back together.

  2. Yes, you are overthinking things. I am never going to cheat on you, never going to lie to you, and never going to promise you something that I don't mean. Distance is bound to make a person think, and the only thing I want you to think about it is how much I care for you. You are literally my entire world girl, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  3. I want an entire future with you girl. It may be too forward for me to say such things, but there is so much I have planned for us. I want us to move in together. I want us to get a pet together. I want us to get married. I want us to argue and fight and then have incredible makeup sex when I realize I'm wrong (gotcha there, bet you couldn't read that with a straight face!). Of course these are all things I want farther down the road, but my point is that I see us making it to these milestones in life together. I want to be at your graduation from college, no matter which college it is. Never doubt for a second that I'm only in it for the short-term. You're stuck with me.

     Alright alright I'll wrap it up now. Hopefully you are in a little bit of a better mood than when you first went to this site, and thats the whole goal. Life is hard, and I only wish to remind you that I am here for you every step of the way. I love you Jaiden, and nothing, not even college, is ever going to change that. I'm here for you until death do us part. Keep your spirts up, we'll be together again shortly. I apologize once again that I lack the know how on making this website look good. Hopefully it isn't too terrible and you managed to read all the way to here. You'll always be my little nuclear reactor girl, and I will never stop fighting for us. I love you

Always yours,